BIBLE PROPHETS WARNED ISRAEL that invaders would erase them from the world map if they didn’t shape up and stop the corruption and start treating people with respect and justice. The question is whether those prophecies apply today.
In other words, are the Bible books like Jeremiah living sermons or just ancient history?
If they are sermons, what are we to make of Jeremiah warning the Jewish nation of Judah to stop sinning or God will end their nation? Jeremiah said God would send invaders to destroy their cities, deport the survivors, and take their homeland.
Many people today worry about China invading the USA, especially after China apparently floated a balloon over us with a bus-sized system for transmitting data about some of our most important military installations.
But should we be worried for religious reasons as well?
For more read The Casual English Bible’s new article:
Jeremiah’s warning: USA as China’s 24th province?
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I wanted to say that I just purchased your book, A complete guide to the Bible.
I am a 51-year-old mom, wife, daughter, sister, aunt… As the youngest of my family growing up, I wasn’t given a religious upbringing. All my friends were Catholic accept me. However, growing up, I did find God on my own. And as I had gotten older, my faith had, too, grown. It has taken me this long to start reading the Bible. I love to research and that seems to be my approach too everything. So as I’m on this quest for answers, and feeling closer to Christ then ever before, I look forward to reading your book. I haven’t started cover to cover lol, but like I mentioned loving my way of research, I always start with the index lol. Once I’ve gotten what I needed, then I start from the beginning.
I did start with reading the first page and that was your introduction which resonated with me.
I know I’m going to enjoy this journey in my life the most. I have no doubt that every answer I seek will be answered. And the ones that aren’t I will surely find. God bless.
Tiffany Batzel