LADIES MARCHING IN WASHINGTON DC this week during the inauguration will include at least two of my friends.
A woman in my Bible study group has taken her daughter, a student at Kansas State University, to join the march. Not everyone in Kansas is relaxed about transitioning to what some would describe as President Tweet.
What’s about to happen, many tell me, is frightening in so many ways.
I started to list the fears, as I’ve heard family and friends express them, but the list is so overwhelming and painful to read that I deleted it.
Those who fear what’s coming know full well what they fear. And they believe that they have more to fear than fear itself.
Who’s in charge?
President Tweet will be no more in charge than President Professor was.
President Tweet will live in a white house built by slaves, but he is no master of ours.
He is our servant. If he doesn’t serve us well, we’ll tell him he’s fired.
And so it will be.
Whatever President Tweet might do and whatever the people choose to do in response, we all live under the authority of God the Creator.
That’s what Christians teach. Jews, too. Muslims as well.
As we watch big-mouthed strongmen in countries throughout the world start what looks like a shift from democracies to dictatorships, some fear the same might happen here.
King Tweet.
Some students of history whom I know say “Not to worry.” They say they have confidence in a 240-year-old system slamming the brakes on something like that.
Other students of history say the Romans talked like that, too. As did their descendants, the Italians in the 1930s, with the rise of me-first, no-compromise fascism.
Yet, then and there, as now and here
“God is the only Ruler,
the King of kings
and Lord of lords.” 1 Timothy 6:15 CEV
Paul wrote that while under arrest, probably in Rome, many scholars say. Emperor Nero eventually ordered Paul executed..
Rome has since fallen. God hasn’t.
Italy got beat. God didn’t.
Tweets will one day fall silent. God won’t.
Christians really do believe that there is a spiritual dimension in play.
In fact, they’re counting on it.
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