PUBLISHERS GIVE ME FREE COPIES of my books. It’s in my contract. I can’t say how many books I get because my agent says I shouldn’t reveal the details of his negotiated deals.
Makes sense to me.
I give the books away instead of selling them. For several reasons.
- I’m not a salesman.
- I don’t want to be a salesman. I’m not interested in spending my time setting up and maintaining an online storefront.
- Giving signed copies of my books away is good public relations.
- Most importantly, some Bible newcomers need a copy of the kind of book I write. And the only way they are going to get one is if someone gives it to them. Someone like me.
I give away at least two free books a week to people who subscribe to my free blog and my quarterly newsletter.
Once in a while I try to do something a bit more extensive.
This is once in a while.
I need your help to pull this off. I’d like to give away free copies of A Quick Guided Tour Through the Bible to people who are new to the Bible or to people who are not Christians at all, but who are curious about the Bible and Christianity.
Do you know anyone like that?
If you do, send me an email and tell me a little about them. Just a few sentences will do.
I’m going to put together a list of people who will get free copies of the book. If I pick the person you suggested, I will get back to you and ask for a mailing address. But at this point, all I need is the person’s name and a little information about why you think they should be on the list.
I don’t want to give books away to people who don’t want them and won’t read them. But if you know of someone who might actually want the book and would read it, I would like very much to put that person’s name on the list.
One more thing.
When I ask for stuff like this, I don’t generally get much of a response. If the past is any indication of what’s going to happen this time, I’m not going to get a lot of names to put on the list. That should increase the odds that the person you suggest might actually get a copy of the book.
One more thing.
Don’t recommend yourself. I get a lot of that. With this giveaway, I’m asking folks to think of someone other than themselves.
Peace to you.
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