IF YOU’RE NOT SUBSCRIBED to the The Casual English Bible (TCEB) blog, you’re missing our shift from this author site to the Bible site, which we’ll be focusing more on in 2025. These snapshots of what you’re missing will end at December’s end in 2 weeks. We would add your subscription for you if we could. But it’s not a “best practice” idea.
Here on the author site, you’ll get about one or two articles a month. At TCEB, you’ll get one a week.
Here’s an excerpt from the story that released earlier today, Friday the 13th.
Printer rejects Casual English Bible
A MOUSY QUIET PRINTER I met at a meal last week texted me a strange note earlier this week. In it, he refused to print a Bible I never asked him to print.
“Good morning Steve, I have decided to not move forward with you on the Casual Bible paraphrase. I have discussed with a man I trust. He is encouraging me not to be involved based on Matthew 5:17-18.
‘For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. Do not think I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them’” (Matthew 5:17-18, English Standard Version).
To which I said “huh?”
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