No one took credit for writing Genesis. A Jewish book found in the Dead Sea Scrolls, written a century before Jesus, said “God had the Angel of His Presence tell Moses the story of Creation” (Jubilees 1:27). A Visual Walk Through Genesis, page 13.
About Stephen M. Miller
STEPHEN M. MILLER is an award winning bestselling Christian author of easy-reading books about the Bible and Christianity and author of the Casual English Bible® paraphrase. His books have sold over two million copies and include The Complete Guide to the Bible and Who’s and Where’s Where in the Bible.
if i am not mistaken the only Christian group that excepts The book of Jubilees as scripture is the ethiopian Church,i am not aware of any other group. Everyone else considers it Apocryphal. Thats not to say that there is not any truth in it. the Apostles quoted from the Book of Enoch,Testiment of Moses,wisdom of Solomon,Book of Maccabees,ect…