WRITING BOOKS about the Bible has gotten complicated.
It used to be I’d write books about the Bible and get paid a decent royalty by most Christian publishers.
But today, the business of writing now requires so much more than writing.
I can’t just write a book.
I have to build and run a platform. And doggone if that doesn’t mean I have to write lots of stuff for free.
- Blog articles like this.
- Newsletters like the one coming July 1.
- Website articles about me and my books.
I’ve got to:
- tweet
- Facebook post on my a business Facebook page
- create videos about the Bible and Christianity
- post pictures on social media sites like Flickr
- do interviews
- give away signed books
And I’ve got to feel good about it when pictures of my dog attract more viewers than anything else I post about God, the Bible, or me.
Typically, my days now run 10-12 hours. I spend the best part of my day – morning through early afternoon – writing the book that’s under contract at the time.
When my brain starts to fragment, I jump to one of the other projects, which somehow reboots my brain. I switched to writing this blog article at about 2 p.m. on Thursday.
After I get this done, I’ll probably go back into some art research for the book I’m writing. Or, I’ll work some on the newsletter. Or, I’ll work on Sunday’s Bible study session that I’m leading.
Or I’ll take a break from brain stuff and go out in the garage to put that second coat of polyurethane on that antiquated wooden planter my daughter wants made ready for rainwater on her back deck.
All the while I’ll be wondering what topic I should cover in my next Bible video. And I’ll be thinking about the next two illustrated books I’m hoping to begin writing soon, once I wrap up my current project.
I’m guessing that about half of my time as a writer these days is devoted to doing free stuff – maintaining my platform.
I’m wondering how many careers require people to do so much stuff for free.
I did have a plumber give me a good deal on a toilet once.
But another plumber made up for it by putting in a toilet that made a dripping sound when it wasn’t supposed to drip. And when I complained, he called in the owner – who couldn’t hear the drip because he wore two hearing aids.
I’m wondering what readers think about this extra stuff we writers have to do. Or if they think about it at all.
- Do they want the social media stuff and blog articles as much as publishers think they do?
- Do they need the author websites?
- Do they find the Bible videos helpful at all?
Or may I shorten my days and possibly lengthen my life by zeroing in on the books, while writing fewer articles like this, and leaving the videos to the videographers.
I’m just wondering. Friday is a good day to wonder.
Random book winners this week
- Lisa Miller (no relation, far as I know)
- Linda Russell
I give away free books each week to randomly selected subscribers to my free blog and quarterly newsletter. (Part of my platform, don’t you know.)
Lisa and Linda are random this week.
Bible Gateway Blogger
Keep up the good work — nothing you do with your books is in vain! I share your blog on my Facebook page with our Bible Study. I think the world has just got too complicated — we even have mobile church now. My mom told me to tell you that she loves your books and that you make the Bible come alive and she even thinks you are funny!
Thanks Wayne. I owe your mom a kiss on the cheek. I’ll pay up if ever I make it down your way.
I can tell you that while I don’t follow Facebook or Twitter, I do read your blog religiously (no pun intended.) I love your books, but I also love getting your thoughts on the day to day events that cause us all to question our understanding of our faith and your insight often encourages us to think in a different way about how we can try to live our faith as Jesus intended. I admire your honesty and while I may not always agree with your perspective, you give your opinions respectfully and thoughtfully. Keep up the good work!
Thanks Kate. I appreciate the encouragement.