SHOULD I BE FLATTERED or flabbergasted? An apparent Russian website with a dot-ru address is stealing from my Casual English Bible® website what I’m giving away for free.
They’re selling a now outdated and replaced video I produced to introduce the Casual English Bible. They’re selling it as a product that will teach Russians how to talk in casual English.
Well, I’ll be doggone.
I know they’re hurting for money. And I know many are fleeing Russia right now, perhaps to some English-speaking countries.
But I’m tossed about what to do.
- Get a plane in the air and put boots on the ground?
- Call my lawyer?
- Be grateful someone is promoting my Bible paraphrase in Russia and not charging me for it?
Pardon me, please
You’ll have to pardon my first thought: Bomb them. I put that in bold type because I felt it boldly.
Then I remember Jesus. He often messes with my first thoughts.
It’s an abrupt change of attitude from a bombing to a prayer.
But, there you have it. The starting line and the finish line.
Still, I’d like them not to profit off my work.
I’d like to break even one day.
My question for you
So, let me ask. How do you think I should react to this breach of international copyright law by an apparent Russian website?
- Send a note: “No boots on the ground, just so you know. Peace to you. Please don’t nuke me.”
- Call a meeting .
- Hire a hacker (cheaper than a lawyer).
- Watch the abuse and let it go.
- Pray Psalm 140:10
“Hammer them in a hailstorm
With flaming chunks of coal.
Then toss their bodies in a pit
Where they’ll never rise again.”
In Jesus’ name, amen.
- Pray Luke 23:34
“Father, forgive them. They don’t know what they’re doing.”
- Or, fill in the blank:
Casual English Bible
Steve’s Bible-background YouTube Channel
More feature articles
Bible Gateway
Well, I’ll be darned! Weird! Sorry!
Well said.