But the question of King David’s sexuality keeps coming up every now and again.
Recently, another reader asked me if King David was gay—and if David and Jonathan were lovers? He directed me to this excerpt from a funeral song David wrote after Jonathan died in a battle against the Philistines:
“I grieve for you, my brother Jonathan! You were so dear to me! Your love was more amazing to me than the love of women.” 2 Samuel 1:26 Common English Bible
That’s not the only Bible evidence hinting of an intimate relationship. So, I decided to take a closer look, on behalf of that reader and others who have raised the question over the years.
Here’s the seven-minute video I premiered during Monday Night Football, forgetting that the KC Chiefs were playing the Baltimore Ravens. So, the video had better be worth the game I missed.
This was an excellent video and well researched. Another argument that some Bible scholars use is when Saul throws a spear at Jonathan and calls him “the son of a perverse woman.” — Saul intimates that there was something strange between the relationship of David with Jonathan.
I guess you do learn something every day. This is all news to me but interesting. I had never even heard of the idea that David may be gay. I guess you cleared that up. Thanks!