MOST FOLKS DON’T KNOW what Romans in Jesus’ day had to say about crucifixion.
Many know what the Bible says about it.
They know that it says “Soldiers took Jesus into their headquarters…they stripped him… spit on him and grabbed a stick and struck him” (Matthew 27:28-30).
They know that “Pilate had Jesus flogged with a lead-tipped whip” (John 19:1).
But at the same time Christians were telling the story of Jesus’ crucifixion, Roman writers and politicians were writing letters and books describing crucifixions they saw with their own eyes.
I just finished putting together a short video reporting some of their gritty descriptions.
Here’s one:
“Is there such a thing as a person who would actually prefer wasting away in pain on a cross—dying limb by limb one drop of blood at a time—rather than dying quickly? Would any human being willingly choose to be fastened to that cursed tree, especially after the beating that left him deathly weak, deformed, swelling with vicious welts on shoulders and chest, and struggling to draw every last, agonizing breath? Anyone facing such a death would plead to die rather than mount the cross.”
—Seneca, (about 4 BC-65 AD), Epistulae morales (Moral Letters), 101.14
Here’s the link to several other painfully descriptive quotes, reported in a short video: What Romans said about crucifixion
For more about crucifixion
- I know what’s wonderful about the Cross
- A Quick Guided Tour Through the Bible, “Jesus’s Last Week,” pages 174-181.
- The Jesus of the Bible, “Jesus executed and buried,” pages 345-356.
New blog subscribers who win books this week
- Roger Shuster
- Joliene Tarvin
I give away free books each week. It’s normally to randomly selected subscribers to my free blog and quarterly newsletter. But this time, I picked two of the most recent subscribers. I’ll probably pick from the newbies for the next several weeks.
The winners will get the option of choosing my new release: A Quick Guided Tour Through the Bible – among about half a dozen other titles.
ebook version of A Quick Guided Tour Through the Bible
Google Play and Barnes & Noble are selling ebook versions of my newest release for $9.99. They are also letting you download free samples. Amazon hasn’t gotten theirs up and running yet.
Your treatment of the biblical truth is such a blessing. The books you have written are in deed a great help for teaching and passing on what is important.