LIFE APPLICATION. Paul says God has equipped people with different gifts. He mentions several in Ephesians 4:11. “He spread gifts around, too. He equipped people to serve him as apostles, prophets, preachers, pastors, and teachers.” What are some of the unsung gifts you’d add to the list?
- In the church: Nursery workers. Handymen and women who fix things in the church and for friends, neighbors, and on mission trips. Folks who come early to make coffee for folks in the church.
- Outside the church: Folks who make Hallmark movies, our mothers might say. Cops who protect and serve rather than intimidate and bully. The guys and gals who plow and clean the streets. Donut bakers; can’t forget those early birds killing us with sugar and kindness.
Reprinted from Leader’s Guide & Atlas for Ephesians
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