PARDON MY HUMOR and my accordion as I explain how a pacifist rabbi like Jesus got so violently angry that he stormed into someone’s place of business, flipped their tables, and chased after them with a whip.
The Prince of Peace was particularly peeved.
This all sounds like the beginning of a Bruce Willis movie.
Sure, the place of business we’re talking about was the Jerusalem Temple area. But it’s pretty clear that the people Jesus went after had the priests’ permission to be there. And these entrepreneurs provided legit and helpful services to the worshipers.
- Some sold animals for use in sacrifices there at the Temple. That certainly came in handy for people who had to travel many days to get to Jerusalem. Who wants to go on a marathon walk with a cow?
- Other merchants provided currency exchanges. That was needed because Temple priests accepted cash donations only in certain currency. They didn’t want coins with pictures of people…”graven images,” which seemed too close to idols.
Jesus flipped the tables of the money changers and he drove off the critter vendors.
I created a short video about that.
As I said, please pardon my humor and my accordion.
Insightful video, Steve! Keep them coming! (Without the accordion music!)
Thanks Gary. About the accordion, I know you’re kidding because you live in Northeastern Ohio, the happy Polish capital of America.
I have a fever for more accordian! Thanks for the video. I enjoyed it and the background you provide
Thanks, Gary. I’ll think of you next time I play a polka.