I’M TRYING OUT a weekly book giveaway. And I’m going to link it to the brain.
Every week I’ll invite you to send me questions about the Bible, God, and the Christian faith.
On Fridays, I’ll pick the Question of the Week. I’ll look for questions I think will interest lots of folks. Then I’ll do my best to answer those questions on Monday’s blogs.
The person who asked the Question of the Week will get a free book.
I have a stack of books of mine, which I’ll be happy to sign. Most are first-edition copies.
I’ve also got
- signed books by other writers, including the likes of Liz Curtis Higgs
- top entries in this year’s Bible reference book competition sponsored by the Evangelical Christian Publisher’s Association
- Bibles
Send me your questions by blog comment, Facebook, Twitter, email, or carrier pigeon. But I get to keep the pigeon for Buddy the Dog.
Here’s the list of available books from which you’ll get to choose, for as long as my supply lasts:
Books by Steve:
Bible Snapshots
Big Dummies of the Bible
Como Explorar La Biblia (Spanish edition of How to Get Into the Bible)
Complete Guide to Bible Prophecy
How to Get The Bible Into My Life
Incredible Mysteries of the Bible
Jesus of the Bible
Present Moments (the print edition of How to Live in the Moment)
Student’s Guide to the Bible
Who’s Who & Where’s Where in the Bible for Kids
Who’s Who & Where’s Where in the Bible, pocket edition
Books entered in this year’s Evangelical Christian Publisher’s Association’s contest of reference books:
A Theology of Mark
Dangerous Calling (Confronting the Unique Challenges of Pastoral Ministry)
Inerrancy and Worldview
Invitation to Biblical Interpretation
Salvation Accomplished by the Son
Sorrow & Blood
The Creedal Imperative
The End Times in Chronological Order
God’s Word Translation
The KJV Study Bible
The Voice, New Testament
Young American Patriot’s Bible (NJKJV)
Books by other writers, signed by the author:
An Invitation to Die, Marie Shull
Beautiful Outlaw, John Eldredge
Everyday Faith, Bridget Turner
Fallen Angel, Major Jeff Struecker and Alton Gansky
Finding Your Prince in a Sea of Toads, Dr. Kenneth Ryan
Forbidden, Ted Dekker
Grace: The DNA of God, Tony Cooke
Have a New Teenager by Friday, Dr. Kevin Leman
Heiress, Susan May Warren
Holly Jean and the Secret of Razorback Ridge, Bonnie Compton Hanson
Jewels of Wisdom, Marilyn Gray
Joseph, Beyond the Coat of Many Colors, Mary Englund Murphy
Laughter in the Wind, Joyce Wheeler
Mine is the Night, Liz Curtis Higgs
People of the Book, Kathi Macias
Remembering You, Tricia Goyer
Summer Dream, Martha Rogers
The Day Satan Called, Bill Scott
The Disappearing Man, Doug Peterson
The Root of Riches, Chuck Bentley
The Sweetest Thing, Elizabeth Musser
The Wounded Heart, Adina Senft
Books by other writers:
Beautiful Outlaw, John Eldredge
On Hummingbird Wings, Lauraine Snelling
Remember Who You Are, Arron Chambers
The Daily Carrot Principle, Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton
Voice of Many Waters, Alan Youngblood
Want one of these books?
Ask and you will receive. If yours is the Question of the Week.
I know this is a stupid question, but it is something that I have always wondered about. Everyone always says that Jesus was without sin, but wasn’t it a sin when he got angry in the temple and overturned tables? Curious to hear your thoughts on this. Thanks, Kathy
Thanks, Kathy. That’s a good question. I’ll add it to the list of entries.
How do you feel about the subject once saved always saved. I tend to think you can lose your way after becoming a christian. My sister thinks you were not saved in the first place. My dad said he was saved as a young man, but he was anything but during my growing up years.Is there anything biblical about this? How much wrong can you do and still remain “saved?”
Thanks Artha. I’ll add your question to the list of contenders. It’s an important question.
We are going to tackle that question Artha when we hit John and Romans in our Community Book/Bible Study – which I can’t wait. I don’t want to proof text you, but here are some Scriptures that will help you:
Isa. 43:1-3; John 5:24, 6:35-40; 10:27-30; 17:11,12,15; Romans 5:1-10; chapter 8 (magnificent statement from beginning to end about what it means to “have no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus”).
Anyway, we hope Stephen gives us the right answer Lol.
Maybe my question is a bit stupid, but I don’t have choice. I’m a bit confused when the Bible says, one day when the sons of God came to present themselves before Him, Satan was amongst them. And yet he was thrown down because he became evil, and God is holy! How come an evil spirit could get into the presence of the Holy God? Do they collaborate or is there anything in common between Them? Does Satan continue to accuse people to God? For John says in Revelation 12:10 that he’s been cast down.
Thank you for responding to my question regarding qualifications for elders and deacons in the Lord’s Church.
Also, thank you for the generous offer of one of your books. I would be interested in “Who’s Who and Where’s For Kids”
In His Service
Why did jesus have to die for our sins? What sins did he die for? The ones committed up to his death? Or all, including mine? If so, does it mean we are all automatically saved, no matter what sin we commit? That just sounds silly! So back to my original question….what did jesus die for and why??? Was it just to show us that there is life after death?
Great question. I’ll add that to my contenders for the Bible Question of the Week. Thanks. I’ll let you know when the answer gets posted. You get a free book from me when that happens.