IF PRAYER WORKS like my seminary prof said he thought it might, I’ll be asking for your prayer support today.
My prof, years ago, said he pictured prayer like a pipeline to heaven. He said in his mind’s eye he sees God pouring out his grace on all of us, like a gentle shower.
But he said when you pray for me, you open up an extra pipeline through which God’s grace can flow.
And if 100 of you pray for me, you open up 100 extra pipelines of God’s grace to me.
I don’t know how prayer works. But if it works like that, I’ll be asking for grace enough to deal with this day.
As you read this, I’ll be in court on behalf of a family seeking guardianship of an elderly soul who is refusing the help desperately needed.
I can’t say more than that about the case.
My chest feels heavy. Physically heavy. Like there’s something big and sad inside me.
I feel a little weaker all over. Physically weaker.
Paul said God told him this:
“My grace is enough for you. When you are weak, my power is made perfect in you” (2 Corinthians 12:9).
If that’s the case, today I’ll be perfectly powerful.
But as I write this, I feel perfectly weak.
May heaven open and the grace of God nourish the souls I love.
Tom Fowler
I know you well enough to be confident that, when the time comes, both today and everyday, you will say and do whatever needs to be said and done. But, just to be sure, I have placed your name in my prayer book.