ISAAC WAS AN UNBUTTERED BAGEL kind of a guy. Plain. That’s why we have the old saying: “An Abraham is usually followed by an Isaac.”
Abraham was exciting. He ventured into unknown territory, chased down a raiding party to take back what they stole, and fathered a son at age 100. Isaac, however, stayed on familiar turf, backed away from shepherds who took control of his wells, and didn’t get married until after his mother died—when he was 40.
As for his bride, who moved 500 miles (800 km) to marry him sight unseen, the Bible leaves the distinct impression that she married a momma’s boy:
“Isaac brought Rebekah into his mother Sarah’s tent, and she became his wife. He loved her deeply, and she was a special comfort to him after the death of his mother” (Genesis 24:67).
Yet he became part of the father, son, and grandson trio—Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—famed for starting the Jewish nation.
(This is an excerpt from the newly released Who’s Who & Where’s Where in the Bible 2.0. For the rest of Isaac’s story, see pages 201-203.)
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