FIND IT HARD TO BELIEVE that the Jordan River dammed up just in time for Joshua and the Jews to cross into the Promised Land of Israel, as the Bible reports?
- “The water in the river had risen over its banks, as it often does in springtime.But as soon as the feet of the priests touched the water, the river stopped flowing, and the water started piling up at the town of Adam” (Joshua 3:15-17 CEV).
Or that the walls of the riverside border town of Jericho collapsed sometime later?
- “The walls of Jericho fell flat” (Joshua 6:20 CEV).
Here’s one science-based theory about how God dropped the walls of Jericho and dammed the Jordan River:
earthquake and aftershocks.
The Jordan River lies on a fault line, where two plates of land are shifting northeast at different speeds.
In 1927 a quake dropped some cliffs into the Jordan, damming the river for 21 hours.
It happened at the very site where the Bible says the water stopped for Joshua: near the Jordanian city of Adam, known today as Damiya.
For a little more info, check out this short video:
Love the map…another book?…what a teaser you are LOL…Can’t wait until 2013! Just sent another copy of “Who’s Who and Where’s Where in the Bible 2.0” to my friend who is in prison. He loves your books and even his cell mate likes to read them! Thank you, my friend!
Thanks, Wayne. I made that map using NASA data and some geeky map-making software. I like the way it turned out, too.