WE DON’T OFTEN GET A CHANCE to edit the writer, and see the effects of the editing actually show up in print.
Here’s your chance.
I’m paraphrasing 2 Corinthians for the Casual English Bible. Whenever I finish paraphrasing a chapter, I create a leader’s guide for that chapter, with discussion questions along with answers and notes that the Bible study leader might find helpful.
Here’s one Q&A I drafted yesterday for 2 Corinthians 3. If you have any suggestions you’d like me to consider, send me a comment. Your suggestion and your name just might show up in the leader’s guide.
LIFE APPLICATION. Paul says God’s new contract with people replaces the Jewish Law that Moses delivered. Paul describes this new contract, which is salvation through faith in Jesus, as “over-the-top wonderful” (3:11). “Listen,” he adds. “Hope like this needs to show up in the way we live. It’s a bold hope for a bold life” (3:12). What do you think he’s talking about? What does he mean by living a bold life?
Paul wrote about this kind of boldness in several of his letters, including what is considered his last surviving letter, which he wrote to his closest friend, a colleague named Timothy. “God put his Spirit in us. This isn’t a spirit of fear, to make us timid and cowering. It’s a spirit of power, to make us loving and self-controlled masters of our own behavior. So hold your head high. Don’t be ashamed of speaking out for our Lord….I’m not ashamed. I know who I believe. I know that he is able to guard this life I have entrusted to him until that day when I see him face to face” (2 Timothy 1:7-8, 12 Casual English Bible).
Let me know what you think.
Thanks. Peace to you.
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