Judah got his daughter-in-law pregnant accidentally. He’s the father of one of the 12 tribes of Israel. But he became the father of twins because he didn’t recognize his daughter-in-law. “He thought she was a prostitute” (Genesis 38:15). She hid her face with a veil. A Visual Walk Through Genesis, page 150.
About Stephen M. Miller
STEPHEN M. MILLER is an award winning bestselling Christian author of easy-reading books about the Bible and Christianity and author of the Casual English Bible® paraphrase. His books have sold over two million copies and include The Complete Guide to the Bible and Who’s and Where’s Where in the Bible.
So strange that he even considered this a valid excuse!
It was a man’s world. What man in the Bible turned down his wife’s offer for a concubine for him to impregnate? None that I know of.