I PROMISED to let you read some of the submissions I got for the iPad giveaway contest.
I had asked readers to send me anything about my books: where they came across them, how they used them, what kind of reaction the books produced. I was fishing for insight that might help me do a better job of writing and marketing the books.
Here are excerpts from four emails. They are all kind. If you’d like to read nasty notes, check out the book reviews on Amazon and other sites that sell books. (Fair and balanced, I try to be.)
Aren Rennacker:
So I’m in a gas station in the middle of nowhere, stretching my legs after another long patch of highway covered for a mission trip, when I see The Complete Guide to the Bible. Thankfully it was affordable, and I have not regretted it since. I love your writing, your format, and especially your humility in presenting the different interpretations of Scripture without feeling the need to take a side or deliver the end-all answer.
Vivian Shoemaker:
The first book that got me interested was by the deli at Publix. I was waiting in line to buy Colby cheese. I had also never written an author before, but I loved The Complete Guide to the Bible. Say hi to Buddy and his pals.
Raelynn Curtis:
I’m also a big fan of your dog Buddy. Which is why my favorite book is the Illustrated Bible Dictionary you gave me signed with a paw print by Buddy in remembrance of my dad and his black lab who both passed away in 2008. It is clear you love what you do and you are dedicated to your readers.
Debbie Coffman:
My son asked for a “bathroom” book to read while in the bathroom, for Christmas. I gave him your book.
Note to Debbie: A doc once told me it’s not a good idea to spend much time sitting in that particular position. It puts a strain on the bootay muscles. He said, “Do your business quickly, then get out of there.” With that in mind, may I recommend Strange and Mysterious Stuff in the Bible. Short but sweet.
Oh, Steve, you make me laugh! Hey! I was thrilled to get any part of the word of God into his hands! Lol. Planting seeds. you know, planting seeds.
Oh, Steve, you make me laugh! Hey! I was thrilled to get any part of the word of God into his hands! Lol. Planting seeds. you know, planting seeds.