1After the Saturday Sabbath and about daybreak on Sunday, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to the tomb to see Jesus.
2Suddenly, there was a massive earthquake. An angel of the Lord came down from the sky and rolled away the stone that had sealed the opening to the tomb and sat on it. 3He glowed like a burst of lightning. His clothes were snow white. 4Soldiers assigned to guard the dead were so terrified that they started shaking and then they fainted dead away.
5The angel told the women, “Don’t be afraid. I know you’re looking for Jesus who was crucified. 6He’s not here. He has been raised from the dead. He had said it would happen. Come over here and take a look. This is where he was lying. 7Now quickly go to the disciples. Tell them he has been raised from the dead and he’s going ahead of them back to Galilee. You’ll all see him there. Remember everything I’ve told you.”
8The women left the tomb right away, with mixed emotions: fear and incredible joy. They ran to tell the disciples what had happened. 9Suddenly, along the way, Jesus met the women. He said, “Mornin’.”
They rushed over to him, dropped to the ground, and started hugging his feet in worship. 10Jesus told them, “Don’t be afraid. Go tell my disciples to leave for Galilee. They’ll see me there.”
Matthew 28:1-8, Casual English Bible
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Why do Christian apologists misuse Occam’s Razor to support the resurrection of Jesus? Occam’s Razor does not validate ANY of Christianity’s supernatural claims. Please, my Christian friends, stop misusing this principle. It reflects poorly on you.