“God has given a gift to everyone. He’s kind like that. Find your gift and use it to help others. Sharing your gift is a good use of God’s kindness” (1 Peter 4:10 Casual English Bible).
About Stephen M. Miller
STEPHEN M. MILLER is an award winning bestselling Christian author of easy-reading books about the Bible and Christianity and author of the Casual English Bible® paraphrase. His books have sold over two million copies and include The Complete Guide to the Bible and Who’s and Where’s Where in the Bible.
After my husband passed away, I was attending church one Sunday and the pastor spoke on gifts of the Spirit. As he mentioned that even older people could pray and have a great ministry in the church. At that moment, I sensed a great prompting of the Holy Spirit and I could not keep back the tears. I knew it was a God moment. A friend saw my tears and gave me a hug. On the way out of the church, I told the pastor I felt God’s Spirit had spoken to me but I was too emotional to share with him at that moment,
God has given me a ministry of prayer in the senior living place here in Atlanta. I knew Mrs. Pearl Goode, a prayer warrior for Billy Graham. I always wanted to have a ministry like hers. You can find her name on the internet.