AT THE END of a beautiful week, I am thankful to God for a bunch of things.
I’ll mention a few.
But first, I thought I would check out what folks were thanking God for in the Bible.
Thanks in the Bible
Here’s what some Bible folks thanked God for:
- “We thank you, O God! We give thanks because you are near,” (Psalm 75:1, NLT).
- “You changed my sorrow into dancing,” (Psalm 30:11, NCV).
- “His love never quits,” (Psalm 136:2, The Message).
- “Jesus picked up a cup of wine and gave thanks to God,” (Matthew 26:27, CEV).
- “Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God,” —Paul (Philippians 1:3, NLT).
- “I ask you to pray for everyone. Ask God to help and bless them all, and tell God how thankful you are for each of them,” (1 Timothy 2:1, CEV).
- “Lord God All-Powerful, you are and you were, and we thank you,” (Revelation 11:17, CEV).
Thanks from Steve
Here’s what I’m thanking God for at the moment:
- The chance to get my whole family and some of my best friends together for a Father’s Day barbecue after church on Sunday.
- Buddy the Dog seems to be feeling better.
- That my son and future son-in-law are finally going to get a chance to golf together; they’ll enjoy it.
- That my daughter is wrapping up her last clinical rotation, and is headed toward certification as a nurse practitioner.
- The beautiful weather we’ve had this week. We’ve had so much rain throughout the spring.
- That I have work to do, books to write, and the joy of life in doing it.
Thanks, God.
There are few things more healing than literally counting your blessings. Happy Dad’s Day, Steve!
You’re right about that. Laughing is good for healing, too. Happy Pop’s day to you, too. One thought. I visited Germany a few weeks ago and attended the birthday party for a man turning 60. The thing is, he threw the party for himself, inviting his family and friends. I thought that was a cool idea. We could do that for Father’s Day sometime, too. And any other special day we’d like to celebrate. That had never occurred to me before. I should write a blog post about that.