Some Bible students speculate that before the Flood humans and animals alike ate only plants. Before the Flood: “I have given every green plant as food for all the wild animals (Genesis 1:30 NLT). After the Flood: “Everything that moves, everything that is alive, is yours for food. Earlier I gave you the green plants, but now I give you everything for food” (Genesis 9:3 NCV). A Visual Walk Through Genesis, page 25.
About Stephen M. Miller
STEPHEN M. MILLER is an award winning bestselling Christian author of easy-reading books about the Bible and Christianity and author of the Casual English Bible® paraphrase. His books have sold over two million copies and include The Complete Guide to the Bible and Who’s and Where’s Where in the Bible.
I was a vegan about 20 years ago and asked my then Bible study teacher why the change before and after the flood. She said It was because humans were getting a little too friendly with the animals, and God intervened. ?