Please forgive this blatant promo, but I’m trying to give away some freebies that I hope some of you will actually enjoy.
I mean come on, who wouldn’t want the Kindle?
Here’s what you get for doing nothing
If you’re seeing this, you’re probably already subscribed to one of my social media hangouts:
After midnight on Friday, November 30, I’m going to draw names of subscribers from each of those hangouts. If you’re on all four lists, you have four times the chance of winning. Just so you know. It’s a math thing.
- 1 person will win a free Kindle Fire HD.
- 20 will win their choice of any of the books I’ve written that I have available. See by Books page for your shopping list if you win.
Those include my 2012 releases and my upcoming 2013 release, which I’ll send when it’s printed:
- Who’s Who & Where’s Where in the Bible 2.0
- Stephen M. Miller’s Bible Snapshots
- Stephen M. Miller’s Illustrated Bible Dictionary
DEADLINE TO SUBSCRIBE: Friday, Nov. 30, midnight Eastern Time.
I’ll announce all the winners on Monday, December 3. That’s also the day I’ll make a Kindle book free for downloading (see below).
Here’s what you get for doing something
The something: subscribe to my free blog.
- Free PDF of my Kindle book, How to Live in the Moment. You’ll get the link as soon as you subscribe, with my Welcome note.
- Coupon code for 50% off any of my books sold at Barbour Publishing; one-time order for as many books as you’d like–coupon good through Dec. 31. I’ll send this code with my Welcome note as soon as you subscribe.
- Kindle download of How to Live in the Moment (on Dec. 3).
To subscribe, go to my blog page. Take a look at that sidebar title on the left: “Blog Posts by Email” or the title “Blog Posts by RSS.”
Either enter your email address in the white box above the “Subscribe” button or click the “Subscribe via RSS” link.
When you do that, you’ll get the two freebies instantly, with my Welcome note and another one on Monday, Dec. 3.
Good luck. You deserve the Kindle.
Steve, how do we know if we are subscribed to your newsletter? I know I have you in fb & your blog, and I don’t Tweet, so the newsletter is the only one I am not sure about.
And, I DO deserve the Kindle! 🙂
Hi, Debbie. Three ways to know. (1) Did you get the newsletter I sent yesterday. (2) Go to my web page and try to subscribe. If you’re already subscribed, it will tell you. (3) email me your email address and I will look at the subscription list for you. Thanks, Debbie.