HUMANS ARE STINKING UP THE PLANET. Headlines are not good.
- The Middle East has gone Medieval on us.
- Ice is melting at both poles.
- The Royals lost the World Series and the Seahawks lost the Super Bowl.
We can’t do a thing about the Royals and the Seahawks, except to forgive the temporary insanity that cost them their games in the final Dumb and Dumber moments. With the Royals being Dumb and the Seahawks being Dumber.
We can’t stop the melting ice, most scientists agree.
And the only thing we seem able to do about the Medieval Middle East is to throw bigger stones at them than they throw at us.
At the beginning of this Valentine’s Day week ahead, I’m in the mood for love. I want someone to sing me a song.
Psalmist, that’s your cue.
God sticks his head out of heaven.
He looks around….
the entire human race…
He’s looking for someone not stupid….
To see if anyone is truly wise, if anyone seeks God…
He comes up empty….
All of them are crooked and corrupt.
Not one of them does right….
Don’t they know anything,
all these impostors?
Don’t they know
they can’t get away with this,
Treating people….like bread to be eaten…
God has rejected them….
Only when the Lord himself restores them can they ever be really happy again.
Psalm 53:2-6, a Frankenstein assortment of phrases pieced together from The Message, New Living Translation, Contemporary English Version, Easy-to-Read Version, The Living Bible.
Okay, that’s not what I had in mind when I started writing this article and looking for a song. But sometimes a story takes on a life of its own.
I went searching for a song of reassurance. I got a smack in the face.
Darn it.
The fact is, we need God’s wisdom. Now, perhaps, more than ever in the history of this little blue marble, which is getting bluer and – tragically – redder.
In the meantime, Forever Royal. Go Hawks.
There you go again. You just made my day! Just when I wanted a Steven Miller encouragement.
God bless!
Your older than older cuz! I am not sure if a comma is needed in the previous sentence. Put it there if it bothers you.
Pat Whitehouse