THE FIRST eBOOK I’VE PUBLISHED on my own is The Casual English Bible® Atlas, Twin Maps Edition.
It’s the kind of 3D atlas that Bible study leaders and pastors have been asking me to release. They wanted one version of the map loaded with details. And they wanted another version of the map with nothing but the landscape.
That allows them to show the barebones map to a class or a congregation, and then point out exactly what on the map they want to talk about.
I’ve posted a few examples below.
Here’s the deal
If you’d like a free copy of the 160-page eBook atlas and are willing to write a short and honest review on a site that sells books, such as Amazon, click this link to email me (no need to add a message unless you want to say hi). I’ll send you back a link to a free download.
I’ll do this until it feels “enough.” Or until my marketing guy says, “Are you crazy?”
You can see a flipbook of the entire atlas on this page: Casual English Bible® Atlas, Twin Maps Edition eBook.
Here are samples of what you’ll find. I hope maps like these help you better understand some of the stories you read in the Bible. Otherwise, I wasted a lot of time. I mean “a lot.”
A word about copyright
The maps are copyrighted. I’m granting folks the right to use them in small-group Bible studies of 20 souls or less, and with local church sermons. But it’s not a good idea to publish or stream them anywhere without permission and licensing. That includes in blogs and social media sites. Lots of people do that with copyrighted material, but it’s illegal.
On the other hand, if they’re going to do it, they might as well do it with the Bible. Then they can read about what they did and what they have to do about it. In Old Testament times, people who did something that caused another person a loss had to “pay the full value of their loss. In any of these situations, make full restitution, and then give the people you hurt 20 percent on top of it” (Leviticus 6:5, Casual English Bible).
I’m not sure any Christians still embrace that law. But, in theory, we’re still into the Ten Commandments.
In fairness to Christian pirates, I don’t think most of them know what they’re doing.
So, this is a heads up for them: Taking a pair of New Balance shoes without paying for them is shoplifting. Publishing copyrighted Bible study resources without permission or licensing is ironic and odd.
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Fair enough–and clearly communicated.
Thank you Steve for the use of these great visual tools for understanding the Bible!